Nice to meet you: How to reach your target audience

It’s not all about the algorithms

Once upon a time companies relied on print ads in the local paper to reach their target audience. This eventually evolved into blanket marketing with big companies advertising their product to absolutely everyone they could reach.

Now, thanks to massive leaps in technology and a more in-depth understanding of how to mine and analyse data, there are several ways we can reach our target audience, even with a niche product.

Your customers do, more often than not, know what they want and how they want it. An easy way to tailor your content around your customers is to listen to them, be that via social media, market research or other means. One of the best ways to engage with your ideal target market is through recommendations from their own connections. So if your customers wouldn’t share it, change it.

Some helpful tips

There are a number of things to consider when reaching out to your target audience. We’ve compiled a short list of the main points to help you connect!

Identify your existing audience

Be clear on who you are trying to engage/ reach out to and make it personal

Keep an eye on your competitors to see what they’re doing and how you can do it better

Be specific – be it with the information in your targeted advert settings or the wording of your social media posts, people like to know what they will gain from engaging with you

Analyse results and update your strategy on a regular basis

View everything from a customer point of view – If they wouldn’t engage with it, it’s probably not worth doing

If you need a hand reaching your target audience, get in touch!